Matt Mills was devastated in 2012, at the age of 44, when doctors told him the shocking news that he had Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Although MS was present in Matt’s extended family, he never imagined that he would be its next victim and that it would drastically change the way he lived his life. Matt is the Managing Director at M2 Lighting (M2), and his response to the horrific diagnosis has shaped the way M2 operates today.
Common symptoms of MS include loss of function, chronic fatigue, cognitive brain fog, vision and balance problems, and dizziness. Matt found himself unable to walk properly with severe chronic fatigue – simply walking the dog became extremely difficult, Matt couldn’t get 200 meters down the road without needing to recover. After months of bed rest and living with such debilitating symptoms, Matt decided there must be a solution. Matt wasn’t willing to accept the medical options offered to him by neurologists, he wanted more. So, with great determination and a strong mind set, Matt embarked on a journey of discovery that would lead to better outcomes.
Life begins on the other side of the boundaries we set ourselves
Matt was inspired to find an alternative recovery path that would give him a newfound sense of energy and wellbeing. After weeks of research, Matt was introduced by a friend to Professor George Jelinek from Overcoming MS who had developed, and even adopted himself, a very unique approach to living with MS. It was then Matt made the decision to make drastic changes to his lifestyle. With support and encouragement from Professor Jelinek, Matt cut out meat and dairy, avoided saturated fats, increased exposure to vitamin D, exercised and practiced meditation. With a persistent effort, these strategies would place Matt’s mind and body in a state where it could effectively fight MS.
The results came to fruition – Matt was 10 kilos lighter with the energy levels of someone in their early 30’s. Most of all, Matt was amazed that his change in lifestyle had such an impact on his MS – a “progressive and degenerative disease with no cure”. Initially, Matt’s neurologist suggested alternative therapies wouldn’t help and overcoming MS would be “impossible” – so he made the impossible, possible. Three years on from Matt’s diagnoses, he entered Bicycle Network’s incredibly tough Peaks Challenge in Victoria’s Alpine region – over 235 kilometers of cycling with elevation over 4,500 meters (about half the height of Mount Everest!). Matt completed the challenge in under 11 hours, how’s that for progress?
Although Matt was predisposed to MS, Professor Jelinek’s strategies helped him find balance in his environment and life’s pressures, enabling his mind and body to fight back and gain control of his disease. Further to this, Matt thought there was a huge amount of power that lied behind the strategies he embraced along his journey – fully understand the issue/problem, research existing solutions, develop new approaches, adopt the latest innovations, and build long term, sustainable outcomes.
It was from this place of great inspiration that M2 was born in 2016 – a new beginning for Matt that accompanied his fight in overcoming MS. Matt brought his new sense of strength and work methodologies to the principles and business goals of M2 – building and investing in something that contributes to the greater good. M2 has given Matt and his team the opportunity to become the best in their field, play a part in reducing Australia’s energy consumption and deliver beyond their client’s expectations.
Matt has created a business that never gives up and shows resilience and innovation, and partners with clients and suppliers who are equally passionate about being the best at what they do. M2 has a purpose and genuine desire to add real value – value to its people, the environment, business profit and sustainability initiatives.